Friday, August 5, 2016

A borrowed bucket list

Having a bucket list is not a new trend. I guess when I was younger [notice the "er"? I'm still young.], we would just have a list in our minds about the things we wanted to do in our lives. The trend these days is to jot down that list lest you forget what you've always wanted to do. The mommy amnesia is a real thing that mommies go through, so I'd rather have this list noted down for future reference.

So here goes - an incomplete list that I intend to check each item off of. I call it borrowed cos there are a lot of items here that I have borrowed from my friends' bucket lists.

1. Help someone do something from their bucket list.
2. Buy a villa/independent home.
3. Surprise the hubby once a month for a whole year.
4. Go abroad on a family vacation, with the whole family.
5. Drive and be independent - on a daily basis.
6. Work at a job that I love.
7. Have a fairly regularly updated blog.
8. Get a red rose from the hubby without having to tell him to buy me one.
9. Get a mothers day card.
10. Sponsor a kid's education.
11. Go to a pub and party late.
12. Have a best friend to tell everything to.
13. Learn salsa.
14. Lose weight and fit into the healthy category on the BMI scale.
15. Get a tattoo.
16. Fly first class.
17. Go back to Le Meridian, Mauritius.
18. Name my kid after my best friend.
19. Write a letter to an unknown existing address and see if they respond.
20. Learn to play an instrument.
21. Make a standing payment to a charity.
22. Pay off a loan.
23. Run a marathon, or at least a half one.
24. Have a balcony veggie garden.
25. Do something nice for a stranger.

There. That's the first 25 that have come to mind. I'll keep the list up to date cos my mind is quite a wanderer and I'm sure it'll come up with more than these.

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