Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The cliche 'Inked'

3 years back, when my sis came to India for her vacation, she had come prepared to get a tattoo or two. I was made to research tattoo artists in Bangalore and book appointments. The hubby and I accompanied her to the tattoo place and sat there for a few hours watching the artist draw a permanent design on my sister's body. I wanted to follow the trend and look cool with a tattoo, but I wasn't ready for it then. When my sister asked for confirmation before leaving the tattoo place, I nodded no, but mentally promised myself I'd be back someday when I was braver and surer.

That time finally came in the first week of this year. S and I planned it over a couple of weeks and finally confirmed our appointments before we lost our guts to go do this.

Although the tattoo artist was a lil bit of an airhead, we enjoyed the experience. The tattoo has been healing for the past month and has been accepted as a part of me :)

And here it is, that permanent mark which I'll proudly show off all my life!

Friday, January 6, 2017

To Dos - 2017

This post is titled To-Dos instead of Resolutions only because of my (non)confidence in myself. I am not good at keeping up my resolve butI'm fairly good at checking things of my To-Do lists. So here's a To-Do list for 2017.

1. Better face, hair and heel care - I'm not resolving to look gorgeous by the end of the year. But, I do want to manage these 3 points of my body better. Essentially, better use of moisturizer and maintain my hair such that it does not remotely resemble a broom.

2. No-tech hour - Sitting in front of a computer every day at work and fiddling with the phone during my travel between home and work is making me a tech-worm (a new word I coined). I'll try and get one zero-tech hour every day, during which I'll put my phone away in silent mode and not touch any other form of technology. 

3. A book a month - I've been reading a lot less for the past few years and I don't like that. So, I'll try and squeeze in one book a month AND make it to the last page, no matter how boring the book is. 

4. Less yelling at J - I am a very loving mom. But I lose my temper with J a lot. I'll try harder to keep in mind that she's barely 2 years old and that I need to lower my expectations of her and be more calm with her.

5. More positivity - Everything that I'm facing is not the end of the world. Things will get better. Just need to look at things more positively.

6. Weekly house cleanup - This's for when we move to the new house. I want to maintain the house like my mom maintains hers. Dust every nook and corner and make it a sparkly-clean house.

7. Use the DSLR more - I've been using my phone camera to do all the clicking and my poor DSLR is just lying idle without any charge left in the battery. I want to go back to my DSLR ways, atleast when we go out or go on vacation.

8. Minimal-ish wardrobe - This one is also mainly for when we move to the new house. I want to maintain a limited wardrobe. This will involve me giving away all the clothes that I've been hoping to fit back into someday and the clothes that I've been promising myself I'll wear but haven't worn in the past 3 months.

9. Anger control - A larger bubble that includes point 4, I'll try and keep my calm during the bad times. I'll give myself some time to bring my anger down before I force my word on others.

That's it. Looks do-able right now, but I think I might have already lost point 9 cos of the whole hubby-being-away scenario. Cheers to a fabulous year ahead and here's hoping there are no more slips.